Picture is worth a thousand words

The old saying that a 'picture is worth a thousand words' is definitely true when you're trying to get information or knowledge to go from your head into someone else. Even those of us who communicate mostly through the written word accept that this is also true. Thousands of words compiled to describe a situation can be overwhelmed by one visual image like “logos”, “graphics” images, pictures, videos and photographs. When you're communicating, you have a thought over your head with a representation of what you're trying to convey, and the listener/receiver has a thought over his head with a representation of what he thinks about what you're saying.

Well designed and positioned web graphics and images including logos captivate a web visitor to browse the products, services and information. Creative graphics provide the visitor a visual appeal making it easier for the visitor to quickly understand the message that is being communicated.

The same thing is true when a visual image is created on site and used as part of a website. We created a graphics and images, but our minds are more absorbed in looking at the visual images at the site being presented at the same time. We have excellent brains that will always be capable of better graphics than the most exceptional technology. Our mind believes what we see more than what we hear.

Good graphic imagery, like any good art, tells an entire story. One way to build more effective graphics is to create images that tell a story. Still life pictures, object-based graphics and abstract backgrounds can range from interesting to inspiring, but sometimes the visual presentation calls for something more

"This game would be excellent and worth your time, if only the graphics were better.


Unknown said...

Yes its true that images are worth 1000 words. But the placement of images in the website should also be kept in mind. Its the best to place images near related text. Also "alt" image tags should be included, since search engine crawlers are not able to crawl image they crawl the text part of it. Kelli

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